Customer Service – Discussions with CEOs and Managers

Most managers know that the future survival of their organisations depends on customer service experience. If customers are satisfied with the service, they will tell others thus promoting the organisation. Happy customers are moving billboards while unhappy customers are dangerous because they de-campaign organisations where customer experiences are bad.

Nowadays, managers in both the private and public sector institutions are constantly training, coaching and motivating their staff to enable them give great customer service experience. Therefore, managers have a great role to play in developing organisations’ customer service culture and ensuring that customers get great experience. If an organisation has poor customer service, the CEOs and top managers should be the ones to blame.

Course benefits

This program was developed to discuss with CEOs and managers and work with them to plan and implement customer service strategies in their organisations. Through this program, CEOs and managers will:

  • Develop customer service strategies, charters and standard procedures.
  • Develop customer communication protocols.
  • Coach and motivate staff especially front liners.
  • Measure customer experiences and carry out customer satisfaction audits.
  • Win customers using great customer service experience.
  • Improve the image of organisations using great customer experience.

Registration Subscription

The coaching program runs for one year at no running cost to participants. Participants only pay annual subscription or contribution only at registration.

Register with USD 480

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Chris Muhango, FCIM
Customer Service Specialist
Founder, TIG Institute
79 Bukoto Street, Kamwokya, Kampala, Uganda
Tel : +256 750 335703, +256 772 185653