About Us

TIG Institute is a non-profit organization registered in Uganda offering management and communication training programs. The Institute also offers social marketing, behavioral change communication campaigns and coaching programs targeting the youth and students. TIG Institute is an associate of TIG Marketing, a respected marketing firm in Uganda.

Chris Muhango, the founder of TIG Institute and TIG Marketing is a university lecturer, a Chartered Marketer by profession and Fellow (FCIM) of the Chartered Institute Marketing (CIM) of UK. He has lectured at Makerere University, Kampala, Makerere University Business School and Uganda Management Institute. He works with a team of professionals to bring synergies to programs.

Chris has over 20 years of management experience as a practicing marketing and development communications specialist, management trainer, consultant and university lecturer. He provides professional advice, consulting and training services to companies, parastatals, government institutions, international organizations, donor projects and NGOs. He has made a number of presentations at local and international fora for regional, development, professional organizations and social business organisations.

For more information about Chris Muhango, please follow the following links: